Archives | Authors | David Zábranský

David Zábranský Czech Republic    PWF 2019

David Zábranský 

David Zábranský was born in 1977 in Prague. Not content with simply being a provocative author, Zábranský also studied Law at Charles University, and employed his skills in the non-profit sector. Many of these experiences would later trickle into his 2011 novella Edita Farkas.

A burgeoning new voice in Czech literature, Zábranský tackles a wide array of issues. From the migrant crisis to the drudgery of tourism and all the way to relationships between post-war countries and the familial scars that people are left with. Zábranský’s prose is unlike anything that has been seen in Czech literature.

David Zábranský’s works include: Any Beach But This, Stern's Attempt to Love, Martin Juhas or Czechoslovakia, Beyond the Alps, and Logoz which is forthcoming.

David Zábranský divides his time between Prague and Athens.