Archives | Authors | Alma Guillermoprieto

Alma Guillermoprieto Mexico    PWF 2019

An astute and eloquent chronicler of contemporary Latin America, Alma Guillermoprieto was born in Mexico City in 1949. In her teens she moved to New York and became a professional dancer.

In 1970, Alma Guillermoprieto left New York to take a job at Cuba’s National School of Dance. In the midst of chronic shortages and upheaval, dancers and revolutionaries seemed to occupy the same stage—later portrayed in her elegiac and unsparing Dancing with Cuba.

“All the boys who went up to the Sierra Maestra with Fidel always believed that the rumba and prostitution was the same thing.”

Guillermoprieto unravels the complex threads of despotism, imperialism and political jujitsu in the heart of Latin America with the knowledge of an insider in the tradition of Joan Didion, V.S. Naipaul and Ryszard Kapuściński.

Her work includes: Samba, The Heart That Bleeds, and Looking for History.

“The countries of Latin America now have their Orwell.”

Alma Guillermoprieto resides in Bogotá, Colombia.

Alma Guillermoprieto: A Reporting Life in Latin America

28.05.2019 Articles

I sense some obligation to explain the title of this talk. The flimflam man currently occupying the White House has provoked such an increase in the amount of hate circulating in the world that sometimes it makes me dizzy, as if I were about to lose my balance and fall. He uses hatred and latent violence every time he feels the need to run from the taxman or the prosecutor. The three years since the last presidential campaign have been so filled with outrage and insult, it’s hard to remember that from the first day he stood on that escalator in his very own tower, there has been no group he has vilified more consistently than Latin Americans. 

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