Archives | Authors | Constantine Kokossis

Constantine Kokossis Greece    PWF 2015, 2011

Constantine Kokossis

Constantine Kokossis was born in 1951 in Athens. He studied law in Athens and international relations in Brussels. In 1976, he joined the Foreign Ministry—serving in Cyprus, the United States, Turkey, Ethiopia and Albania.

As a trained observer, Kokossis tends to pinpoint—with irony, sarcasm and a pinch of self-criticism—the precise historical backdrops which snare the protagonists in his novels: The Rise of the West, The Diversion, and Achilles' Long Journey. 

For Kokossis, the social fabric makes the man.

Constantine Kokossis, former Ambassador of Greece to the Czech Republic, resides in Athens.


Constantine Kokossis

Constantine Kokossis: Preserving Disappearing Stories

16.02.2011 Featuring

Constantine Kokossis in conversation with Andreas Patenidis

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